In the silence may be heard things only the heart and soul can comprehend
Listen close, can you hear it, a love song without end?
In this moment a thousand words are spoken
This sweet tranquility that need not be broken
The mutual feelings that we share
The many ways you show you care
In all you say, and all you do
You’re only saying "I love you"
If not your words, it is your deeds
You fulfill my soul and all its needs
I require nothing more than this
Friendship, love, and your sweet kiss
My heart overcame
My mind overwhelmed
My love, you have taken me
To a whole new realm
Things are so different
Stripped away is my past
I’m in a new world now
And THIS love will last
So this silence, let us hold it
A love story, as destiny told it
Words of beauty, and of love
Echoing to the heavens above.
Labels: Poetry